Friday, February 25, 2011

MFA Midterm show 2011

Two screens showing the same image in different locations of the exhibition. The image is of a woman dressed in a fur hat and fur coat posing in a portrait style, possibly a contemporary image of a magazine cover-shot or an old portrait painting, placed in an anonymous setting looking out from the screen desperately trying to hold a smile in order to please the viewer or hide her boredom.

In View @ Golden Thread Gallery December 2010

In View
10th December 2010 – 29th January 2011

Curated By Sarah McAvera & Peter Richards
In View is an exhibition that establishes a context from which to explore the tensions and dialogues concerned with the physical act of looking. The gaze holds multiple interpretations, such as the voyeuristic, scopophilic, erotic; and is as much dependant upon the viewer, as that which is being viewed. Each artist challenges us to consider our role as a viewer of the works on display, calling into question our gender, the gender of the artist, and our preconceived understanding of the subject, therefore highlighting the tensions that exist within the topic of the gaze.

In Vito Acconci’s video work Pryings (1971), his violent attempts to force open the eyes of his subject are difficult to watch, as is the challenging gaze of Laura O’Connor in her video work Dull, Limp, Lifeless (2010). Like O’Connor, Katherine Nolan encourages the viewer to watch her, and yet reprimands them for doing so. Her work, You Are a Very Naughty Boy! (2009), obscures our view of her at intervals, as if in punishment for gazing upon her scantily dressed body. The photographic works of Shaleen Temple take a slightly different approach, commenting on the level of control held by the gaze of the subject, the artist, and ourselves, the viewer. The exhibition also includes work from Phil Collins, Common Culture, Sara Greavu, Magaret Harrison, NoĆ«mi Lakmaier , ORLAN, and Aine Phillips